13 Chanakya Quotes That Explain The Truth Of Life!
Chanakya (350 – 275 BCE) was a renowned Indian – teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and a royal advisor who helped changed the course of Indian subcontinent’s history!
Personally, i find all these quotes selfish, selfcentered and negative. #t. Maybe hes right though. Many live by this code.
Maybe as he says here, attachment leads to grief, so dont get attached and dont be honest because a straight tree gets cut first..
Ye! Not really agreeing here…
I think love is a much better option and when you get hurt, love that person more, for it is within them the problem resides, not within you…
They need to be loved more and you will mend, until the time comes where they will be stronger for your effort and the love will be returned in multiples ❤❤ so i agree with the self interest quote a bit here as it is true although love should be given freely, with no expectations💖💖💖

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