A conditioned mind is not free because it can never go beyond its own borders, beyond the barriers it has built around itself; that is obvious. And it is very difficult for such a mind to free itself from its conditioning and go beyond, because this conditioning is imposed upon it, not only by society, but by itself. You like your conditioning because you dare not go beyond. You are frightened of what your father and mother would say, of what society and the priest would say; therefore you help to create the barriers which hold you. This is the prison in which most of us are caught, and that is why your parents are always telling you – as you in turn will tell your children – to do this and not do that.

Jiddu Krishnamurti (via aspiritualwarrior)

Because , if you don’t it will eat you alive. Follow your heart not your genitals it’s a road worth walking
A free spirit is not always free and a young spirit is not free because they have experienced nothing. A true free spirit knows what spirit is….that is why they are free

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