And as I do every morning, I stepped outside into the cool damp air, clutching my morning cup of Kava. I breathed in the damp morning scent and brushed away the dew. As I sat and tuned in to the birdsong, I heard the sound of crunching vegetation and there she was , so beautiful ! Not startled , but as interested as I was , so pretty and erect! Her ears moving around in wonderment . What was I? I smiled back and cooed in delight. And just like that as I sipped my breakfast, another stepped out of the shadows and they both watched me with great delight, cautiously at first.. Then as easily as they had appeared, they sat back down and continued their morning ritual, not too close but close enough. We shared this beautiful space and our quiet rituals, as the farmers gunshots rang out in the distance … I hope they know it’s safe here….tbc

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