
The face of a psychopath, full of genius and charm and words that appeal to those, who seek enlightenment..
Beware false prophets and remember always to be You.
Search for Your authenticity, it is light and shade night and day, but have strength to stay on your own path, not follow.. .
You see, a man following his own true will, can either be Manson or Ghandi as the inertia and excitement of the path can overtake the seeker..don’t let inertia determine your will.
Both men will always see themselves as power..
Ghandi was powered by. Light, Manson by dark..
Find both inside yourself, dont let the dark inertia propel you deeper, as you see the pleasure it brings, the false comfort, the hurt it causes .
Let it teach You and you will find your path.
How your presence will effect the world around you, is your choice..have a positive effect Not a negative one. Mansons and Ghandis are Rare. Just be You..
#blove #blight #bfun #bbold #byou

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