Being crazy is cool.. The crazy ones come up with the mad ideas, the rest of the world think are too mad and will never work.Who jump in ready and with their eyes closed
Just, always find someone who can pull you back down and support you, never judges you, but applaudes your madness. Even if they are a little unsure of it…..
Then allows you the space to create and come back for a cuddle, a cup of tea, erap you in a blanket, rubs your feet and says “welcome back down to Earth”
How long are you staying this time? has a chat about all the things going through that mad head, that make sense to no one, but need to be said out loud, anyway and may well be abandoned, but need a hearing, to make space for the next onen
Find the person who will wipe away your tears of frustration, your moments of anger, who will embrace and adore your sweet, kind, gentle moments with big wide open arms and a bar of fruit and nut chocolate.
Find the person, who when your eyes start rolling back in your head and your laugh turns into a mad cackle, or you Start wieldng a machete through your life.. Quietly closes the door and picks up the pieces, without a word of negativity and gives you the space you need to tidy your sock drawer fold towels or some other simple thing that brings you back to grounding
Find that one person who adores the mess that you are and never questions that you wont come up with something brilliant , or surprise you with something you never thought possible in the end and who wants to be part of that mad journey, because they can live their journey of madness through you…
Their is nothing more thrilling than a rollercoaster ride through life, tiring and scary, often boring, annoying frustrating and repetitive, as it may be at times, we should all slide in to our coffins at speed and on our side roaring, yafuckinghoooooo! I’ve no idea what happened but i lived..
To the poor soul who has to put up with the mad ones you get the best, because you learn how to ground yourself and how to let go and go along for the ride, but you always know when to put the brakes on. You get to try the things you would never have tried without them and come up with some mad ideas of your own, that can only happen in reality if you have a partner in crime❤❤❤
If you can take it, if you are brave enough, you are the ones who make the magic happen in the end because your open non judgemental mind sees the potential and lets it happen, you want to go those places but don’t know how or if its even possible and its a bit too scary to do alone . It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around, but just one nutter to change your perspective ❤❤❤

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