
Via 30 Best Motivational Quotes

Its a very easy thing to say to someone “do your best” it is not so easy to interpret as we tend to have different ideas of what is best… Is it best for me? For you? Humanity? Do i care? Maybe i just want to keep doing what I’m doing and to hell with anyone else, cos its all about me! and then lets see where it goes! Kids and teens do that, under watchful eyes, not adults.. Is that me doing my best?
Well a good way to figure it out, is if it feels right, no one is hurt by your decisions and you will learn from them thereby growing into your next phase. That’s you doing your best.
Be respectful, be kind and always follow what you believe will help you grow, even if it is not the best decision. Abandon it when you know its a mistake.
Make mistakes, they are educations, just never repeat them, as a fail is a fail, it’s useful only when you know its a fail and stand on it, to make your way to success. Success is also difficult to interpret for all the same reasons..
We must understand our life is a series of walks, runs, climbs and falls. We meet people along the way that we take on our journey and some stay with us through it all.. The ones that stay, are the most precious teachers, as they are the ones who have faith in us no matter what, they will always believe we can stand up when we fall down and that if we knock someone over we will reach out into the swamp and do what’s needed to pull them back up. They see your soul and believe that you can find your authenticity and show it to the world, so we can learn from you and your mistakes..
Never be afraid of failure failure equals education.. Its only those who keep failing and refusing to learn the lessons and grow from them, that will suffer lose and never succeed in this world..that is true failure and loneliness and it is avoideable.
Dont be a failure, be You❤❤ Niamh

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