Category: Blog

#nk #aponderance #feedthemind #fillurheart

Stunner #nk💓💓 #moonobsession🌙 As light departs to let the earth be one with night, Silence deepens in the mind, and thoughts grow slow; The basket of twilight brims over with…

Let go…

#nk#moonobsession #bfree #letgo For some people sadly letting go means giving in to addictions, fears, depression, suicide.. Because when we are suffering we feel alone, isolated, misunderstood, maybe angry or…

Emotions can be very convincing, very powerful, like a melodrama. They can sound real and true when they’re going on. Ajahn Sumedho (via the-red-lotus-blog)

best-lovequotes: Via 15 Weekly Motivational Quotes (Part 3)

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