Go outside, Stand firmly on the ground, placing both feet firmly . Feel your toes outside edges of your feet and lift the arch. How do your ankles feel, they should feel confident and firm. Now place your hands on your chest. Breathe in for 1, 2, 3, 4 hold for 1, 2 breathe out 1,2,3,4. . Repeat this sequence 7 times. Associate each round by seeing the following colours in this order for each round
1. Red (base of spine) 2. Orange (Pelvic) 3. Yellow (Solar Plexus) 4. Green (Heart) 5. Blue (Throat) 6. Indigo (3rd eye) between the brows 7. White. (Top of the head). When you let out your last breath , say Thank You and smile #riseup #cleanse #flow #bedivine #bu #. #coldmoon #fullmoon 💖💥🤍👁#moonobsession🌙 #chakras #chandranamaskar #chandra

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