He speaks such sense and is so funny in his practicality, if you can truly hear what he is saying…..

We need to dump the chatter and use our power instead of antibiotics at the drop of a hat for a sniffle or a sore throat .

What you put in your body is what determines your physical machine and can have an effect on our spiritual and emotional beings and what and how we project ourselves and feel

He speaks so eloquently about the incredible tech that is the human body and is worth listening to if you are interested in how to be the best version of You.

We are so consumed with forcing ourselves to be kind to people , we feel dont deserve it, being positive , when we feel heavy with negativity, grateful, when we don’t know what we are truly grateful for, we are addicted to these notions, forcing them upon ourselves so others dont see how broken or lost we are and still never quite, feeling right! We believe if we repeat them over and over , or join a group, we will become them. Instead of adopting a faith in ourselves .

Instead of simply closing our eyes and looking inside and seeing our Universe, that tech in all its magnificence.

We are all quite literally unique in every way , a part of the puzzle of life and yet we are all identical and necessary to make the whole planet on which we interact as a Global Nation.

Instead of actually learning about ourselves and the Universe within, we choose to stick with the pack and follow social teachings, or jump on a religion that we grew up with and follow. This too can help many focus within, as their faith in something bigger, manifests.

We are all our own leaders , our own gurus.

It is not an effort to be a positive , grateful , loving, human with perfect flaws when you look inside Your Self and see the perfection that others who love You , can see.

This transcends all and is a journey we can all take.

Check out his very many interviews you will giggle along side him as you can see the people who ask questions, in my mind, alot of them look blissed out in a fake way that I feel is forced or an addicted way, that has them desperately searching and desperately wanting to feel it and be part of something that they are already part


He gently pushes the notions we all have of what it truly means to be mindful.

He is also just a man and I’m sure he has flaws like the rest of us, so their is no need to follow him or any other, like a God. He is not .

So many are on this mindfulness quest , right now so many mentally, physically and spiritually broken bodies trying to get by, we are all wired the same , we just express differently. Do not limit yourself to the self imposes boundaries of the physical project the self further than the physical and make all around You one with You, embrace it all

Everyone and EVERY thing in the room of life vibrates at its own level , listen and feel that vibration and you will resonate on a musical scale like no other, you will feel and hear like never before

We all have the capacity to fulfil our desires and feel in a beautiful hd manner, he just came to it quicker and more naturally and puts it so simply, you wonder why you didn’t know it before

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