I owe myself so many apologies.


(via trueheroinex)

I find this declaration to be very profound. The biggest love of your life should be yourself. Through this self love you are capable of bestowing endless perfection and love upon all others who enter your life, from family to friends and strangers who cross your path. 

How? How do you love yourself when in itself, it sounds selfish , when their are so many things to get on with and people who need your attention above your own needs. People who drain you and take all for themselves, by draining your energy and give nothing back to the World or You, in return. They probably need your love more , but if you don’t love yourself enough their energy will drain all the good out of you and leave you drained and exhausted, angry and alone .

If you receive Nothing of substance from the ones you love, love them more because it’s all about the heart and soul and how we give, right ? Give selflessly, but only when its of substance , it doesn’t need to be about money or things only about you and your heart. Give yourself, your authentic broken, flawed self, is perfect to those who love you when they see you learning to love yourself and stand up and take control.. This is a gift to them because it embodies love. And fills in the cracks.. The flaws are never to be apologised for, because they are the whole of you, they make you who you are.. Apologise to yourself, if your flaws hurt others and hurt you in the process apologise for the hurt you inflicted on you and mean it , really mean it.. Learn from the mistakes, stand up and put your hands out for help.. Say I’m sorry to yourself for any pain you inflicted on yourself, as that pain also hurts others.. Give love selflessly to yourself and it will shine out to others, for them to accept and learn from, for them to love themselves and on and on the cycle will go, of passing forward 

We are so caught up in things,  these days we forget that superficial gifts , they are not true if they are not from the heart, they are simply  fleeting fashions, they don’ t last and the memory will fade. We will never be fulfilled. We will demand more the next time. The gift of love the gift from your heart, stays for life it is pocketed inside your soul  and lives there for the moments you need them, this kind of giving and receiving is the most beautiful and everlasting and can be anything from a touch a look a flower from the garden a photo .

A gift from the heart is the most precious one, it can be a moment, a call a text, an emoji,a gif , a stone from the beach. If it means something to you, you know it will mean something to the person who will receive it. 

So  we come back to self love, this is the most precious of gifts to ourselves but so much more to others as that self love shines from you in the form of grace and beauty, even when you are sad lonely and angry it is there.

 It can be felt when you walk in the room, it can be felt across the Universe and across Oceans, because your energy is making the world a better place one heart at a time. Your energy will change the World as it is past from one to the next 

A gift is a gift, only when it is given with love, as it is love.

I would say this ,that on a plane the service announcement always tell you to put your oxygen mask on before your childs. Why do you think that is ? It’s because unless you take care of yourself first, you are in no position to take care of anyone else. 

We need to Help each other , by helping each other to see our own love inside ourselves by the shining light of love coming to you from those who love you, because they are shining a light on your soul holding up a mirror for you to look in  and see what they see. Don’t look away, if you see awful things in the other person , you are looking at yourself, you ae looking at your traits your flaws, not theirs,  don’t look away, feel the light and shine it on your soul, accept it. All will then be revealed to you  and you can then accept that love for yourself, don’t avoid it. Even if it’s painful.

Apologise to yourself for not taking care or paying enough attnetion to your heart and soul. Then get on with giving yourself the gift of love given to you through the love of others

How ! that’s the question, how do we do it ? how do we love ourselves, put ourselves first, so we can do much better for the loves in our lives. 

We must take time out every day for ourselves only, person uninterrupted, a coffee by the sea, a walk in the park,  anything that allows the mind to be calm for a period in the day. Be with yourself,hang out with yourself but don’t isolate , just spend some time alone in your own space, go to  a yoga class, a Gym session, lunch in a buzzy restaurant or cafe, watching others and drinking in their lives. So many more things you can do, just do them for you…. Live in Love, Love in Light💖💖💖💖💖 Niamh

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