I was struck by a letter to a radio show this morning from someone struggling to understand if depression was real or not.. I’m really glad the writer spoke in this way, he struggles with the concept, he thinks sometimes the person is just lazy and not depressed.. ..
You see the problem with depression is that some people dont understand it and lets face it it takes many forms.. The writer stated that he had a sibling that he felt was just lazy, even though he knows it is an illness and that person needed a kick in the butt..
Clinical depression is one thing, situational depression another and psychological issues, Grief etc. .
Not everyone is depressed, some are just unhappy some are hormonally challenged..others use addictive substances and behaviours and perpetuate bad feelings and difficulties in coping and depression becomes heightened or appears as part of these behaviours.. Pain both mental and physical can also produce the same effects.. It is highly complex and misunderstood..
Their are ways to help You, it is just sometimes hard to get through to some people and you must accept that is the case..
Remember alot of people have troubles and it is how they deal with them that determines their mental state. Depressive episodes can come over us all for many reasons and everyones experience is different.
Mental health is so complex.. .. It goes on and on.. But for it to be taken seriously by everyone and also for it to be recognised fully we need to hear and listen to the people who dont understand it and dont believe it really exists.. Both sides of the story needs to be heard for understanding.. Talking is good.. Admitting defeat to it is good.. Not weak..
Defending your position means the other person defends theirs and no solutions or understanding can emerge.. So listen and hear the things you dont want to hear because this is they way we talk about this illness more..
Please don’t forget that you can die from depression, when it is at its worst.
It needs to be destigmatised. We need to talk more not less. Ask for help!

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