I’m live on Twitch – Watch me at twitch.tv/niamhykenken

Over the next few weeks, I will be streaming some Yoga routines to boost Immunity and assist with lung capacity and mindfulness. If you are self isolating , it is important to stay active and in control of your own body and mind. The chat will be open, so you can ask away for help!

This is a free streaming service for a month, to begin and after that will be up on my patreon where you can also download the accompanying printouts and anything else I can think of that brings community together.

I would also encourage other Wellness and Fitness professionals with differing expertise, to join me in this and help to grow a Community base and keep your business safe , as well as continuing to work and share your knowledge and open discussion

Any gyms that wish to get involved streaming classes for example that are body weight based, join me and see how we can get this to work across the board.

Make it a Community effort and marketing tool for your business in the long run.

The virus is only going to spread wider, #fact so we need to make sure we contain it as long as possible and keep the pressure off the Health system

Once the first stream is up and I’ve fully figured out #twitch I will post on my insta , Twitter and here. @niamhykenken is the handle for twitter and insta

My Insta will continue to include bodyweight workouts, if you don’t have any equipment, easy nutritious meals and yoga, pilates, and hiits .

Look at the situation we find ourselves in, as an opportunity to change habits and find a new way to live, laugh, love and new ways to run your business and life.

Support your Governments decisions , like them or not, as when we all row together it’s less stressful. #staypositive #lessfear #proactive #bresponsible #look4opportunity #dontbescared #inthistogether #vibrate #raisevibrations #goodvibes

Remember , you are responsible for yourself , but you are part of a Team #teamwork

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