Interesting thing about Youth or immaturity in older people, is that all of a sudden they can fall out with the people close to them, or simply disappear… They reinvent themselves with a new group or relive their Youth..
They run away from the people who love, care and are loyal to them and fully believe their new story..
For Youth this is a learning curve and necessary, for the older broken person its called running away and those shiny new friends who make you laugh and enjoy the moments, minute by minute will either grow up and leave, or will end up bitter, sitting in the shit with you, at the end, as you all turn over, pass wind, dribble down your chin and wish to God you had the same loyalty to your real friends that they had for You..
To the Young, run and live, to the old and broken, stand still and love yourself, look at the ones who love You and Thank God for their faith in You and learn to love the person they love for yourself not for who you are trying to be….. #bauthentic #bu #grassisnevergreeneroverthere. #loveyourself #bdecent #bkind #lookup. 💖 NK.

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