Is the brown eye the new third eye ?

Ok ! ok! ok! so believe it or not I’ve been asked about this a few times, so now I’m going to answer it once and for all. An intelligent person, told me they were joining a class to learn how to do it this weekend , after their cold water dip and that they had heard it called, Vitamin D chugging and preferred to get it that way, than via supplements. I can see the 4o foot full of this, in a couple of weeks along with their copy of the tao of sexology…

Is the brown eye the new third eye ? Is , Perineum sunning a real thing , is taint tanning , Taoist ???? etcetera, etcetera , etcetera and Im here to tell you , NO it’s not healthy, safe, or anything, for anyone. Its insta influencers, the woke marketeers, looking for attention by lying on a rock in happy baby pose, with the old, brown eye squinting at the sun. They claim all sorts of benefits. There are none, except for a sunburnt ahnoose and being arrested for being naked and flashing your fufu to endless dry robers. Ask Josh Brolin how it went for him…..goat yoga , no! beer yoga no! #notyoga literally just influencers and marketeers , bastardising yoga for cash , or branding, to get you to follow them , so they can sell, sell, sell …….. take it for what it is, try it for the crack, (see what I did there….) you’ll need factor 50 slathered all over your deep state, mind you! and don’t say you weren’t warned!

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