
So I’m full of motivational stuff lately and driving some of you mad .  I do have to say that it is and can be very irritating , I know !  

You see many times people say to you, get your self together , it’s grand, if you just stopped doing this  that or the other, be responsible, grow up, look at what you have and be grateful,  you’re strong all will be ok , she believed so she did, . How many of you hear that or versions and want to punch them all in the face, but you smile and say I know, I will , Ok , You’re right and then go back to the mess you are in, or are making and keep going, because you don’t have the tools or the mental space to change anything . You just dont have the  time or energy to change it, or maybe think it will be all grand eventually, just live in the present. 

That one always pisses me off stay present, seriously stay present !!. if we all stayed present in the moment nothing would get done, their would be no differences , it would be boring as hell…. Personally, I wouldn’t know how to stay present and many others don’t. I can stay present, if im drunk and having a a great party night out,  if im drowning, or being chased by a bear , or in a yoga class or teaching or working , but other than that,  I and many others need to make plans, or at least directions and that means being in the future drawing from the past and using the present skills to get there. 

 That is a bloody mess for most people i know, but then that’s my mad world. I sometime wonder what it would be like not to really think about anything, and then I’m on to the next thought. Does it mean thats a problem ? No, what it means is people are different and have different ways of living and coping with life and all it throws at them. That is ok, as long as you don’t get blocked and cause hurt, then you need to find a way to get back on the path and use the inertia of life to drive you out like a  car stuck in mud . The wheels will spin but one   heave or a push is all thats needed to lift you out, or one hand or even just empathy from someone else , silently beside and around You as you go through your room, looking for a door in the dark…..
So I am aware that these posts can get on your boobs, but their are very very many who are inspiring them, actually. Keep that in mind whn you make a bitchy comment ot me , someone else is feeling it too, as it was their experience that pushed me to say something.

Sure i couldn’t do half of what I say here, it doesn’t mean I don’t get a chance to think about it for a minute ,  and that is not a bad thing. Many of you out there are giving me great material. I am blessed to hear your stories and wish you luck on your journeys. 

To all the people pming me , you are doing great, to the others who are annoyed at the posts, get over yourselves. A member of your family, a close friend , or you in the future may well suffer too,  or have, so be kind or unfollow. I’m mad as a brush and I’m ok with it, the ones who know and love me  accept it. I can be wildly mad and angry, sweet kind generous, i can swing to grab you by the throat if you harm or try to harm anyone i know  and love, or i can give you all i have and keep nothing for myself , if you need it. I can be brutal and kind in one sentence , their is nothing straight about me at all, nor most of the people I know and i wouldn’t change any of them for anything. The ones i erase i dont need in my world. I treasure your opinions good and  bad and whether I agree or not, i appreciate your right to express as I have mine. You may well break a prejudice in me , by arguing your point and showing me a side i didnt see, so feel free. You can only teach me I can only learn and vice versa
Light and shade , we are ll of these things all of us, accept it , don’t try to fit in you can’t , it doesnt matter , you are part of the picture, the puzzle of life, you are needed  on the planet , until your time is done  and on you go….we all ebb and flow , we all learn from each other , the good experiences and the bad ones. We all make mistakes, we are all learning, we all get sad low depressed overwhelmed at some point and it is ok !. That is life! If  it consumes you , causes pain to others , leads to addiction, then you are stuck and you need help. Maybe you are happy enough to stay there for a while and that can be ok too, as long as you stand up , eventually and if you can’t you ask for help. I dont think any of us should hide our feelings, it slices through your soul to push feelings down . Although, i may be over the top , as it seems I  have no filter, but Im maybe working on that , it is who I am . You are who you are, thats fine as long, unless youre a psychopath, of course then that’s not ok .
If you don’t want help , that’s ok too, it’s your life and they are your mistakes, your choices, but dont expect people to stick around, they won’t if they are affected  negatively. The ones who love you will stay as long as they can until they too will have enough. if you are a manic depressive or in addiction, you will not see or even know, but maybe something will hit you and you will have your eureka moment. We all have them , none of us are perfect , that is what makes us Majestic !

It is not that easy to change patterns , it is painful , we make excuses over and over as to why we can’t. So do not try to change who you are, do not squeeze into spaces you can never fit, change patterns , you cannot change who you are you can only changed learned patterns and behaviours. Trust in those who love you and talk openly, do not protect people , if you are not protecting yourself. Think of the analogy of the oxygen mask on a plane, and your child, fit the mask to yourself first or you are of no use to anyone else.  I hope these motivational tips strike a chord, that’s all. If you can connect with something, a photo a drawing a meme a gif a word a saying  a song, that’s all you may  need. Sometimes it is easier to feel something stir inside , without having to understand or question it, just something clicks. Before i became a yoga teacher , I tried many forms, I hated them all , booorrreeed , bored, bored ,irritated not a vegetarian, not prepare to let my armpit hair grow , didn’t get the whole sitting for hours with a stoned smile on my face thing. It took me years and thanks, to Granville Cousins connecting me back to Orla Punch I discovered Ashtanga, I  like to think of it as the mad mans yoga,  as if your mind is not still you become consumed by the breath and constant movement the sweating . No concentration needed, it happens, you are  not forced into positions just a sequence  that keeps moving and sweating .  Try life they  all things that you think may be of use and discard if they are not, you will find what you need by exploring life and yourself first Namaste tutti

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