Not many sleeps left to the Touch Rugby World Cup in #Malaysia. #trwc2019 #teamireland
I’m sure everyone is up to date on acclimitisation protocols , but here is a good link to help you get focused. This is particularly appliceable to the older teams travelling, who will have added stress on their bodies .
Keep an eye on my #niamhykenken instagram if you are looking for some more and I will be following the teams and training as well as games and posting up on my insta lives , IGTV and daily stories.
Beginning in Langkawi at for acclimitisation pre comp from 19th of April
I will be insta posting ,some yoga training routines, which can be done with the heating ramped up. Using ujayii breathing, to bring about the extra warmth and teach your body how to regulate.
The routines are for everyone during the acclimation phase and can also be used as restorative and warm up during the comp.
I am posting up the free ones on Instagram, with full instructions included on the stories ,click on show notes on the page and they will be saved in World Cup highlights, just print them off or add to your phone.
From Wednesday 10th to Tuesday 16th Hot training should begin for 20 to 30 minutes, cv work , ashtanga or vinyasa yoga ,with breath work particularly implemented
On Tuesday Train cool with medium intensity 20 to 30 mins and bath hot , starting at 5 mins build up to 25.
then Hot , day off, cool, hot , day off, cool, hot, cool , hot. Training outdoors requires layering and hats now , especially with this weather.
High doses of vitamin c slow release formula is a good idea with some zinc and an added tip of himalayan salt pinched into a glass of warm not hot water with a squeeze of a lemon before breakfast , from now
Light on the foam rolling , but some good manual massage should be added now
Start ramping up the water intake so the body starts learning, dosing with vitamin d3, 2000iu each night starts from the 10th-15th and then 1000iu thereafter . . Do not forget your compression socks for travelling bring some milk thistle for the flight .
I’ll be posting tips up on my instagram , so hit me up over there.

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