Oh ! We are so pc these days. What is wrong with blunt , when its needed.
Get over yourself…..may i remind you that alot of highly creative people were not particularly nice, said it like it was, produced art that is thought provoking , music ,writing and poetry that affected our senses. .
We are all shades of everything. Good ,bad, angry , sweet , loveable, hateful.
How can we know anything positive, if we dont know negative.
If someone hurts you or offends you stand up and argue your position, but do not expect others to push down their feelings or emotions because youre too bloody sensitive to take someones personality and maybe just maybe if your position is right you will convice them, or they will convince you.
Remember our brains do not all work the same and judging people by being passive aggressive, behind an over whitened toothy fake smile , is much worse than brutal honesty.
If you have behaved badly and someone pulls you up on it , get over yourself its called accountability….

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