One of my faves on my playlist or as we called them back then , tapes,! while I was working in Turkey, Teaching aerobix and fitness and dancing in shows…..📷 hours and hours of recording , off the radio… Stop , start, rewind, forward, there it is …. next song. Waiting for your favourite radio station to play it , or buying it on a mix tape and snipping and slicing, forever…. oh! and don’t forget we were also counting the beats in , for each workout section, so it was seemless.

All pirate stations with the greatest djs….all about trying to to keep, momentum and the craic . Bloody hell , the work and skill it took to put a class together from #southsideradio or @Nova and Sunshine-Radio-Reloaded

Not enough emphasis on class playlists anymore . It’s really quite amazing , if you can match a rhythm to movements in your classes .

Makes all the difference from the high you get, less grunting more laughing, singing and basic craic…. also the artist gets something , probably more important now to play your playlists, in your on line classes, or send them out to your clients for each class . Or if you’re working out alone at home. Make sure you have a playlist, that makes you funk a bit and has a similar rhythm throughout that doesn’t make you want to stop or shuffle it

The memory of the music and the rhythms , does motivate at times when your clients cannot lift themselves up, or you are feeling flat and disinterested .

I had a technique with my hard to motivate personal clients , where we would do something really simple, like stationary bike for a warm up, we would chat and after 8 mins into the playlist, the beat would move up a few notches, to the toe tap point or the groove point with your hand taps, then we would start working and as the music ran up the tempo so did we , especially useful for hard to motivate clients.

They never even noticed the subtletly . Remember coaches, not everyones an athlete ! Some are in it for the craic. I know I am

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