One of my favourite pieces of music. The Mission , always break my heart, and it fractures my soul, when I hear it.. I feel my heart experience real sadness, at the World.
I had the pleasure of watching and listening to @EnnioMorricone play @TheMission , in The amphitheatre@Taorminafilmfestival #MtEtna had exploded, and it was spewing its red hot lava , in the background . It was fitting it felt like the end of the World was in motion, as the Music belted out around us . Mother Natures soundtrack at just that moment.
I can be brash,wild and full of anger towards injustice, unable to hold back my expressions in the light of selfishness and cruelty, but ultimately the only thing that can change anything in this World is Heart
It’s hard for business that has to close, terrifying for many who have no certainty .
The only thing we are certain about , is that we are all in this together and out of this mess we will rise, as we have before and will no doubt do again. We need to stick together and show solidarity and respect . #universalreset If ever their was a spiritual dimension to anything in this World it’s now. A mirror being held up to show us who we are….. to look ourselves squarely in the eye .To take the time to slow down and reflect, #personaldivinity
We can all feel the lack of control we have over our environment and how we influence and interact with each other.
We can feel camaraderie springing up, which makes it so disappointing to see the lack of it, in other quarters.
We need to trust and make decisions, based on what is best for everyone and be measured, because essentially that takes care of us , that heart spreads faster than any virus
We are literally being forced by mama nature to sit down and take stock.
All our worldly goods are of no use to us, right now. Money is going to mean nothing for a while . All the must haves! Are a 48pack of toilet paper and antibac
Their are very many who are really petrified right now! Pregnant women, elderly, children, business’clean addicts on the brink , men and women whose anxiety is rising like bile . We are all on edge, we all have the answers.
The only answer that is relevant is 💗spread it!

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