Their are times in our lives when we feel going with the flow is the best option for us, the easy way out! When everyone says , why cant you do it this way? Why are you going that way ?
Their is a fine line between learning new things in a traditional manner and then following everyone else ; or learning new ways and interpreting it in a fundamentally different way ,thereby enriching the world. The latter is not going with the flow but allowing the flow to teach us what it knows and allowing that multidimensional brain to enrich and empower.
You don’t always need to do go with the flow in the traditional sense , unless you need a little rest from life , or to experience another viewpoint.
It should be a temporary move if it doesn’t fit a learning curve, or experience.
That’s not to say going with the flow doesn’t have a positive effect on society over, all as it creates order. Which is oil for the engine of society. Only the few are destined to go against the grain .
However, not everyone is capable of that , we need these people , in our world, as they are the ones who push us forward, if they are forced in to a box they die, they cannot breath or move and after a time of trying to fight with all their might, they may give in.
That is when they go with the flow as defined by the majority , once they have died inside, are medicated one way or another , that is when we as society’s have slowed down the Universal flow by not recognising their contribution to our lives.
And allowing them to express

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