I was struck by a letter to a radio show this morning from someone struggling to understand if depression was real or not.. I’m really glad the writer spoke in…

Their are times when you have dug yourself in to a hole and want to cover yourself with the dirt you dug up, so you don’t have to face the…

#aponderance #justsayin💖. #💖NK

Never lower your expectations. It is an invitation for others to bring you down to their standards, instead of them rising to be where You reside. #bkind #burself. #💖NK

You have been warned 😈. #💖NK

When you judge someone you judge them by your own standards and your low self esteem.. If being judged makes you angry then stop judging yourself, because not everyone is…

But don’t let it stop You helping others. That is their path and yours is yours. Always do what is right by others, even if they kick the stooll from…

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