A pigeon flaps its wings after a fight to release the energy and move on.
If you inflict pain on another , by lying, cheating, stealing etc.know that that pain has consequences that comes back on You. #lawofattraction
This becomes a cycle of pain .The person may need to flap their wings to disperse the pain they feel. Let them…
If they are stopped the negative energy just stays .If you keep apologising but not following with actions, They will keep flapping and become so exhausted they will either die or attack with what is left
We need to face the pain we have inflicted head on and pain inflicted upon us. Let them flap their wings.
Accept the response from self or others, whether its a broken person or someone lashing out. This environment was created from pain and hurt #actionsandreactions
Let them express themselves in truth, accept that response in truth , stand in your truth bared open, this is the point forgiveness raises its head.
Forgiveness of self for your actions, forgiveness of others who shaped you and your pain and forgiveness from the person afflicted by your actions.
#stopthecycle #loveurself #speakurtruth #leturheartbleedtillurbloodturnsred #aponderance #niamhk #luvurselfenough2faceuractions

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