We all make mistakes in life, but its the decisions we take that lead to our pain, not the mistakes.
So if you make decisions that hurt you and or others, you need to make new decisions

This way you ease the pain and through the wounds the light gets through and Beautiful growth can occur.
A blossoming to the next life phase.. If you are not changeing through life you are not living or moving forward..
You are in reverse..
So pop the gear stick into first and start moving forward and into your potential, not backwards.
Turn the negativity of pain, into positivity of a bright future. Allow the light in even when it blinds you at first and you want to turn away or close your eyes.. This is your journey alone.take your time to slowly open the curtain .
Look in the mirror and say “am I proud” if the answer is no then sit down, write a list of the things that will make you proud of yourself and take one step at a time to go forward and put them into action..
Even if it will hurt you at first, like the sun shining through into a dark room as you wake up and the curtains are pulled apart.. Its temporary, but what lies in the sun is more growth and beauty.. Warmth and love.. The dark is for rest and thought.. Dont make it a permanent place..
Face your demons and your decisions. Make new ones and own them. This will make you proud, if they do no harm but bring comfort and true love and friendship back to your life
Weigh up the worth of the hurt you may feel that may come as part of the light coming in and know its worth it..Own it.
It’s like when you decide to exercise and you know youre gonna hurt like hell afterwards..your goal is to be fit strong and cute as a button, so you do it and you keep repeating it, as each time you get better at it and find you actually like it and you feel great..you look in the mirror and you see the change and you feel it..
Their may be days it hurts more than others, but you keep pursuing it, getting stronger everyday.
Stop falling down the hill and start walking up it..
The view from the top is perfect. The achievements are great.. Your achievements matter no matter how small.
If you manage it, let me know as every day is a struggle alone, put your hand out and ask for help..
Take the knock backs you may get as a result of lack of trust or hurt and keep going. Until you are beaming with pride in yourself.
So many platitudes and phrases out there make no sense to many, but every now and then you click with something..
When it happens grab that positive assistance and run with it.. You’ll stumble and fall but every failure is just a bruise., get up brush it off and go again..
This post may be one of those that just drives you mad and doesnt work for you, but for some it will click and they will read what they need to stand up, into it..
We all need help sometimes and so many others suffer the same fate.
You are not alone. You are never alone 💕💕

Ill post some new binaurals for clearing stress from the body in the comments of this post.. This is very powerful do it daily. It is 35 minutes.. You will need good earphones and maybe lie down if its new to you.. Not on the sofa or bed, but on the floor.. You might want a sheet or blanket and maybe a low pillow.. Be comfortable
You might get agitated at the start thats ok! ignore it and stay the course.. You may feel emotional and maybe fall into a deep trance thats ok! too.. When it s finished.. Thank yourself for having the patience.. Then go about your business.. You will be smiling and refreshed.

Original post from tumblr, niamhkennyhandf
. 💕💕💕 #nk

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