Rip #RobertFisk the finest commentator on the Middle East, we have known and a great Journalist, who was not afraid of a deadline, as the bombs went off around him.
His talks were inspirational and full of insight, a true and brilliant Journalist.
I attended an evening with him and the great @JohnBowman a few years ago and could have stayed all night listening to them..
He is a great loss.
I missed him by a feather, in Beirut last year. Thanks to my cousin @PatCarey and Alice Byrne Carey for setting it up.
Condolences to them for the loss of their friend, we are losing such great thinkers and doers and not really replacing them, with critical thinkers and commentators, that I can see , the edges of reality are been hidden behind the curtain with our pcness.
One.thing he said that stuck with me was when he was reporting somewhere in the ME shelling all around him, the back of his car open trying to file his report for the 6 oclock news, with his life in imminent danger and the Bbc or Itn at the time saying it was too brutal for the 6 as families would be having dinner.
The same families playing brutal online games , were too sensitive for the real thing as he was risking his life to get the unfiltered news out to us all . This passing makes me sad, #2020 is a shithole.

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