So guys, for many this is an easy state of mind.. These people May not be cool to You, or they may be fabulous. That’s Ok. What they are is authentic, being themselves experimenting with their personalities and having fun..
They are few and far between amongst the sheep but boy do they stand out.. They may not be pretty, they may be too skinny, too fat, too tall, too small but they stand out because they are fine with themselves.. They learn they experiment. And they are usually young and if they are truly themselves they will find a partner who will grow with them ,.. if not, all that authenticity will wither and die as life takes over and instead of enthusiasm and uniqueness you become a sheep .this sheep will be a black sheep and never fit and not be able to grow ,life can be so complicated. i know many who rock like this in their 50s and 60s they became themselves late or they grew up and forward with authenticity shining from them as they followed the path but instead of walking they danced.
They are not shy to express it, they are authentic and we should aspire to their authenticity..
That’s a scary thing for most out there, as many have so many fears and they wear many masks, trying to find who they are, moving from group to group, partner to partner, friend to friend, Job to job, addiction to addiction, settling with nothing, always trying to fit.
As they get older they begin losing the battle because they may have nothing left, as they discard their skin to try the new shiny best thing because all around them have moved forward and they went back.. .
Never ever being themselves as they cannot determine who that is anymore…
If you are this kind of person, know this no matter how you try you cannot fit. Why is that? because if you have never been home inside yourself, you wont find it by trying to be like everyone else..#bauthentic #losethefear
Teenagers and Youth do this as they find their path.. It is what they should do and with great immaturity as they fall and stand up. Learning life. Dont go back and join them its not your world and dont live it again through your kids. They too are unique.
Your thirties are the best years as you have likely arrived somewhere. You should use that time to be You. This is a period when you can find great balance between the flush and hysteria of youth and the energy and a balance of enjoying your own company and simpler things.. If you missed that memo, your forties can become a problem as you go back to recapture what you perceive is lost instead of rethreading the needle and moving on..
Accept their are things you cannot recapture things that are lost, but their are many new experiences ahead if you look up and forward, not back and down at the ground.. #standup
You can change your life regain your loves and some losses in a new way once you recognise your fears and embrace your strengths.
Above all ask for help if you need it, sometimes we need to be pulled through the door by someone who gets us and isn’ t afraid at that moment .
Someone who can put a mirror to our souls and tell us to look inside and tidy up.. Thiis is so we don’t fall down a hole we can’t climb out of, you can only fight this in Youth but as life moves in,accept the hand.
If you are of an age where its all going wrong ,look up and forward don’t let the black dog chase you down, you don’t fit be cause you are fabulous and need to stand out.
Know this first, then look in a mirror, put out a hand for help from your heart and from truth, then step through the door to your freedom #losethechains . ..

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