So the Brother is going to find out today, if the paper he works at, will be making his job redundant.
The profession of Journalism is dying out and that is very , very , sad . It has become noticeable, over the years how news, is presented , with the girlies in the bodycon dresses and heels and the boys in blue suits straddled across sofas. Like an afternoon in Starbucks.
It seems to be forgotten that you report news , you do not distract from it . Pay the Journalists and Your News will be top class
Not only this format, but similar can be said for print media. Poorly presented and vacuous at best , headlines and no story, no real , hard hitting news presentations and an utter mistrust from readers who choose online platforms with a headline, tons of ads over the real thing . Why ?Well , because it doesn’t exist anymore!
The real Journalists who truly know their Trade, who are non biased and want to get that story and get it out fast and tight, know pressure and how to produce brilliance under it , are a dying breed . They know how to write and how to get your attention , the presentation is genius, when it is at its best.
They are sadly being replaced with unprofessionals, who don’t know how to produce great balanced news.
Subjecting us to fluff presentation and fake news, or agendas taking centre stage .
News should be presented to us in a way that is impartial so we can make our own judgements, sadly this concept left the building a long time ago. Look at Cnn , Sky the pathetic Fox news , the last ones fighting for balance, are Al Jazeera.
They are making a whole job of subediting redundant. Wow! That means it won’t exist anymore, the highly skilled job of sub editing. Imagine that, if you can !
We have seen in many online forums and also in the papers, who are hiring non Hacks to do pieces the mess, they make of the language, syntax and of course the headline. Mistakes that are not corrected and inappropriate stories side by side.

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