Started out as red lentil dahl ended as #lentil and #chickensoup . Onion , garam masala, smoked paprika , cumin. Add some celery and carrot then lentils and chicken stock.
Cooked away for a bit then found my sweet chilli chicken leftovers in the fridge, discarded the skin, shredded and added. Oh ! Wow! that was a good soup. Lovely and grainy with a deep taste
Then I chopped onions tomatoes and garlic , was in a rush , so found my @lecreuset dish and threw on top of my lamb shanks ,which I had no time to brown . Added tin of tomatoes and last glass of red from past night and left over olives . Put in oven at 150 for 4 hours . Served with mash and the house smelled like Heaven all day. So easy , so yummy #slofoodisfastfood #eat4immunity ..I never worry about amounts, I taste as I go #covideats

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