This is very interesting.. Sometimes when people treat us badly we see only the mistakes we made and not the decisions they took..
If you find yourself in this position stand up and take a friends view, Look at the situation for what it is and react accordingly..
If you find yourself accepting blame and changeing into a weaker toned down version of yourself. Someone willing to take abuse and maybe give it back, then walk away and leave the drama to those inflicting their pain upon You.. Thst is their journey, their problem to solve, not Yours
Do not shrink, do not become less of a person, do not reverse your life and experiences and allow yourself to become small, because others are stuck and cant grow..
Their is a healthy balance. You just need to find it and walking tall with pride you will find Your way.. Crouching down and taking the punches, only blinds you and enables the other to continue without boundaries or respect for themselves or others…
That is their journey, you keep going, keep walking, don’t look back and one day maybe that person will become unstuck and find their respect and love for themselves..
As it is they who have shrunk and refuse to grow through their fear and low opinions and they will project that on to You, so you become smaller than them and they can gain some control..
In truth they should be left to find how control themselves, by you establishing your boundaries
Maybe, you will find thay you are the light ahead of them, that they will need to find their way.
#bauthentic #breal

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