Very interesting read click on the link below.

I’ve always believed we can sense changes and deep seated unrevealed feelings and emotions in others.
Some people are like an alert system and can see and feel what they can’t explain, long before it’s revealed.
The interesting part of this research, is that negativity that is hidden, just like outward negativity , is still there and emitting a signal. Even when it is masked amd welp hidden its eating away lile acid in a more destructive way than you can know
When it picks up intensity, wow! It will emit a signal lile a vibratory wave , that you will feel if you take time and stand still to feel ot and name it
Think about rage how it makes you feel and anger, or a row with shouting. Consider the energy, how you shake if shouted at, back off, or wince. How ill it can make you feel. How you continue shaking after as you are flooded with hormones.
Equally think about the warmth of love .energy, vibratory waves a feeling of tingling
The response in a person close to you can have an amazing reaction, when their own deep rooted fears can be lifted up for no apparent reason and like 2 magnets repel each other…once negativity is sensed
So if your dna affects those close to you , your reaction to that emission of energy can feed back and forth in a dangerous dance , leading to conflict.
It’s important to recognise the complexity of these emotions , actions and reactions with those close to you ,as anger and rage can become an ever rotating circle . A cycle difficult to break as we are complex
One person needs to lift up and out and start emitting a signal of positivity, which can be difficult as our brain lowers its frequency and chatters like a monkey. Thereby , continuing cycles a self.perpetuating spiral downwards
So how do you change your energy ? Safely release negative emotions and low vibrations.
You simply decide to be more positive and less negative , one bit at a time. Sitting with your feelings allowing them to surface and pass.
Talk , the vibration of sound really helps. Letting it out. Sometimes just listening with love in your heart to low vibrations and staying with that feeling like a mother with a child, can help you both to lift
You will allow the negativity to come and go by allowing them to speak without fear or judgement ,release tears and pain, shake It out etc.
Meditating Using binaural sounds while can really help… as the vibration can shake you up, give it a go, you might be surprised.
30 days of effort will have an amazing result on your psyche and others close to you.
It is a journey and it is not easy ,but ask someone to help you, or stand by you, or take your hand, touch your cheek, rub your ear lobe, or hug you without speaking and allow yourself to be free and change the world ,with your higher vibration amd pass it on..9ne person at a time
Here is a sample binaural . Use earphones for best effect and expect emotion

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