We all make choices everyday.. Some good, some bad.. Adults should always look at the potential consequences of their choices and teach the younger ones that they are not free of consequences. They must face them..
f the choice is bad and the consequences hurt others a moral person will change that choice an immoral one will continue to satisfy themselves..
This ends up hurting everyone.. Make choices for your higher good, but remember to always do whats right, even if it hurts you, their are both great lessons and great rewards in this particular choice..
Choose with love for yourself and others and do not let your bad choices destroy others, because ultimately it will destroy you, as well.. Atone for hurt and be humble, put ego aside and work for forgiveness, if you have done damage. If ot has been done to you and you perpetuate the bad decision by your pain consuming you, forgive and pray for the person who did the damage.. They need it more than you.
Less chaos more love.. 💕💕💕

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