We are all so busy looking for people to like us.. Well not me, i don’t care, you can like me or not, that’s not an opinion that can be changed. We are who we are, i am very much all colours of the rainbow. And different shades.. We all are, thats fine some peoples vibrations dont suit us, we dont match, thats fine too. And ur energies shift over time.
People come and go in our lives, few want to travel the road with us.. As company.. The ones who do, we learn from and them us, but ultimately we are on our own journey.if we are lucky enough to find our twin flame thats pretty great so you have other weirdo, who gets you.
The ones we love and who truly love us stay, the others wander off into the night.
What people think about us is not our business. What we think about ourselves is all that matters and that we do no harm to those we love,.including ourselves.. In doing harm to those who love us we cut a deep wound within oursleves that can only be healed by forgiveness . To receive forgiveness you need to love and accept yourself, first.. Lose fear and #bauthentic..
Always be yourself if you spend all day trying.to be liked by everyone, copying them, so you fit in a box that will never be your box, you will never like yourself, accept yourself, or love yourself.. because you will never be good enough and one day the mask will slip and there you will stand, bare and revealed. And they will still either like, you or not.. But you eont like yourself at all because you will feel a failire and try to put the mask on again.. You are not a failure when you are authentic, becsuse you are unique.. It is so much easier.
Dont waste your energy being a copy cat, a Kardashian, a chaser of the superficial.. It will never fit you, ever
Be authentic, love yourself, shine bright, do your best. Make good when you have done wrong.
And the ones who like you and Love you, will simply love you more.. We need more people wired a bit different, as the world would be very dull without them. So if you are struggling with demons unlock your chains and let your self, simply be 💖💖💖

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