We lock ourselves up with our own chains and wait for others to produce the key and let us out.. They won’t they can’t, they can be a support and cheer you on but they cant set you free.
Remember, you’re bound by your own chains, fear, abandonment, lost loves, heartaches. No one can unchain you, but yourself. Easier said than done when you are overwhelmed by life and grief, fear love, but if you untie yourself one moment at a time, expect nothing at all but an unburdening and light at the end of the tunnel and you can make it.
You are smart loving and funny to someone their is always one person in the world that loves you, always.. Know they are out there and be grateful.
Stand up slowly if you must, but always always stand up, be kind and atone for any hurt you caused others that is the key that will unlock your chains, but above all love yourself…and you can set the world free one chain at a time💕Niamh💕

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