Well! this is different, different is ok!… it challenges us to be Kreative.
We don’t need lots of things, the best gift is each other. Cliched ? Yes ! But true….
Keeping it simple, is a great gift.
So for 1 Season only, let’s do different.
Empty your mind, leave your set in the way must haves aside and instead try to enjoy your own company, or the limited company you have this year.
At the end of the day, we are all standing on our own , choose how to feel .
Its going to be fine, reach out to those who really need comfort who have lost lives, family, friends , homes and livelihoods and let them know you are thinking of them . That is some gift to give. #collective #support

They are our relatives , colleagues and neighbours.

Everyone is in the same emotional boat. Some suffering more than others, but we all know ….

If you can’t hug , you can sit for a moment and think very hard about something you wish for someone, or something you wish to give.
60 seconds is all it takes , of pure thought in silence
And another 60 secs reminding yourself , how perfect you are with all the knots and knarly parts, you are unique…

Its going to be ok! #spiritofgiving #blove #seasonofgoodwill


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