When you do good , no one can harm you.. stand tall, stand up, be authentic. If you have done harm it will come back to teach you, this is the law of karma and law of attraction. , You reap ,what you sow. This is guranteed,!

Only You can break the cycle, so do what you need to do, to clean the slate.

Learn your lessons , swallow the bitter pill you brought to your lips, accept responsibility for your actions and your circumstances .Face Your Self in the mirror and ask “am I proud?”

To ease the pain you have caused, forgive yourself first , because the more pain you cause the more it hurts you, break the cycle, accept responsibility for bad luck! that comes to teach You,

You canthen apply the law of attraction; By doing good, by following the hard road of truth and honesty, asking for help. Accept this will not be an easy road, but the destination is worth it. Don’t stop.Your heart knows, Your Soul is the map. Shine a light , there.

Remove anything that numbs or distracts you and keeps you from being focused. Break Karmic relationships and thank them for their service.

You may need to reach out for help ,which requires admitting things you may not be happy about. It is the first step and it is the hardest. Because fighting yourself and causing more damage guarantees you lose and you will lose over and over unless you change how you behave and break the pattern

Karma will keep coming until you learn , You will attract what you think, . Breaking the cycle can bring great gifts and abundance, if you choose .

This is how you make amends with yourself. Forgive yourself and accept it then ask others for forgiveness. They may not be ready , or able to accept immediately, but your actions and persistance determine that outcome .That is karma and the law of attraction. Reap what you sow. Good karma or bad #yourchoice#niamhk

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