You will always find lots of self help books courses and gurus, to help you find yourself.
But did you ever think that maybe you’re not lost, maybe your uniqueness is making you feel like you’re on the outside of an in joke, when in actual fact, it is your superpower.
Follow your heart, learn and read, listen to others but above all integrate it in to who you are, not who someone else thinks you should be , being you and being true is what its all about. #dothat #bringit
The universal knowledge is simple. Move your body , place your feet on the ground breathe the mountain and sea air , look up. Take the bad times as a lesson to learn and put in your pocket and the good times to integrate . Black and white, Ebb and flow, inhale exhale, yin and yang, you will never know one without the other
We spend so much time trying to label ourselves that we are dividing much more than we know and losing the essence , in striving for perfection.
Harmony, has more than one sound…..

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